Journo bloopers to make you smile

If ignorance is bliss, then media monitoring is the opposite. Constantly consuming and distributing the news of the day can at times be a challenging task master especially if you’re dealing with subject matter that pulls at your emotional heart strings or makes you question the moral compass of the world, but luckily being plugged into the news cycle 24/7 also means you get to witness some of the best journalism bloopers of all time.

In 2017 casual ABC presenter Natasha Exelby’s live TV daydreaming caused her to be temporarily axed by the broadcaster and her #putyourbloopersout began trending on Twitter as other journalists rallied behind her sharing their personal failures.

We’ve got long memories here at MyMedia and when the office email went out asking for the best journalism bloopers our team did not disappoint in their response. There was this low blow delivered to Mark Aiston from Belinda Heggen in 2011 on Channel 10 News

Or the million and one examples of Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson cracking themselves up when they hosted the Today Show together during the naughties

A little further abroad one of our colleagues who used to live in Ireland still giggles at the extreme weather report by Teresa Mannion on RTE in 2016. She became a viral sensation after this live cross and the video below is just one of the ‘edits’ created after the story aired, she did not in fact get hit by a Stop sign but the video looked so realistic she received concerned messages for weeks after it was posted

One blooper that will possibly never be forgotten by any parent was when Professor Robert Kelly was interrupted by his two children during an interview on BBC News. Articles written post incident dissected how what had transpired was the perfect three act structure required for successful slap stick comedy. This clip was played many times in the MyMedia office back in 2017

Finally weather reporters tend to have an even tougher time then parents working from home. This weather presenter from Denver in the United States finally had enough after being sent out for a live cross in 2020 and it is worth every second of your time to watch it


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